A Network of Over 300 Leaders

BRLI Mentorship Application

We are looking for YOU to mentor our future BRLI classes!

Through this mentorship, you will provide guidance and networking opportunities for BRLI alumni and current class members to inspire, grow, create community partnerships within the Bangor community. 

Mentorship responsibilities include reaching out as regularly as you can. Don’t worry, we will remind you. In addition, we will provide topics to discuss that align with the current BRLI curriculum. This is a great opportunity to learn together and take part in BRLI a new way!

Check back next year to sign up!

Commitment of Understanding

By submitting this application, I agree and understand the purpose and goals set forth by the BRLI mentorship program. I commit to regular monthly communications with BRLI counterpart. This communication can be 1:1 meeting, email exchanges, phone or video communications. I understand I agree to participate in BRLI Class Days, November 4, 2021 and April 7, 2022 from 8-9am for networking opportunities.
I understand that the application process and amount of participation will determine whether I participate in this program. I will be contacted by the BRLI steering committee and allow that my contact information be shared with a 2022 class member.

Clear Signature

Get Involved & Stay Connected

BRLI Alumni make up a network of 300+ amazing leaders. Here are some ideas to get involved and stay connected with your class:

  • Create a class Facebook group
  • Sign up for the BRLI e-newsletter
  • Attend annual BRLI events and alumni gatherings
  • Volunteer for BRLI Serves
  • Serve on the Steering Committee, or join a sub-committee and lend your awesome talents to help BRLI grow.