Dear friends,
Over the past year, the Bangor Region Leadership Institute (BRLI) and Fusion Bangor have received numerous inquiries from non-profit executives and board members seeking help to identify and recruit new people to their organizations’ boards of directors. If you’re involved with a local nonprofit and you’d like to advertise your organization’s board recruitment needs, BRLI and Fusion would like to help.
We plan to send a periodic Constant Contact message advertising nonprofit board membership opportunities to our combined contacts of about 900 members. If you’d like to be included in this Constant Contact message, please send [email protected] a single brief paragraph that includes:
- The mission statement of your organization.
- Specific values or skills you want a new member to bring to the board of directors
- The organization’s web link.
- A designated person’s name, phone number, and email address for contact.
Please subject the email “Bangor Region Board Recruitment” and include a JPG file of your logo. We’ll prepare a Constant Contact message to our membership on an as-needed basis when we receive a handful of advertisements.
Thank you for your consideration. We hope this small offer helps add value to the regional non-profit community’s board development needs.
Trish Hansen Julie Dawson
BRLI Chair Fusion Bangor Chair