Volunteer for The Creasers

Dear Alumni and Friends,

As many of you know, our dear friend and BRLI alum, Gary Creaser, died suddenly in June, leaving his widow, Emma, and daughter, Alex, with a lot to cope with. One item is a fixer-upper house that requires more work than they are equipped to handle.

The BRLI steering committee, at the suggestion of some BRLI alum and with the Creasers’ acceptance of the help, has decided to devote two Saturdays in September, the 17th and the 24th, from 8 am to 5 pm to aid in the completion of several small and large projects.

This means many hands are needed with various skill levels. All are welcome to join us (BRLI alumni, Chamber members, and friends and family of). Even if, like me, the most you may be able to offer is help with painting.

We hope to send out a list of items needed prior to the workdays in the event that some cannot attend, but still want to contribute. There is a lot to do. We hope you will pitch in to complete these projects to support the loved ones of a man that supported BRLI and our community so greatly.

Please call the Chamber at 207-947-0307 or email [email protected] to let us know the dates and times you are available. While we would love to have you work all day on both Saturdays, ANY amount of time you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Again, let’s show the Creasers how much Gary meant to BRLI and the Bangor Region by banding together to show them our support as they work through this difficult time.


Trish Hansen
BRLI Steering Committee Chair